Nanexa: NEX-20 Ph 1 study completed - ABG

NEX-20 Ph 1 study in multiple myeloma completed
Mild to moderate local skin reactions; new formulation under development
Investor meeting next Monday 9 Oct at Uppsala premises
Nanexa finishes Ph 1 study with NEX-20 in multiple myeloma
Nanexa has announced the completion of the Ph 1 clinical trial of NEX-20 in multiple myeloma, with the last follow-up visit for the highest dosage level now concluded. The safety profile of NEX-20 did not reveal any unexpected adverse events that could compromise the use of lenalidomide together with PharmaShell, aside from the localized dose-dependent skin reactions (ranging from mild to moderate) at the injection site, as previously reported in August. All skin reactions subsided during the study period.
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