Mendus: ADVANCE II survival update bodes well for coming phase II trial - Redeye

Redeye notes Mendus announcing that ADVANCE II’s mRFS amounted to c30.4 months as of 24 November 2023 (median follow-up c31.6 months). As of the cut-off date, the trial had not yet reached mOS (estimated two- and three-year OS of c74.9% and c64.7%). The mRFS figure compares favourably to cited historical controls of c2.7-7.1 months. We are encouraged by ADVANCE II survival data continuing to shape up nicely and judge that presented survival data bodes well for the company’s coming phase II trial with vididencel and oral azacytidine combination therapy in AML maintenance. We will attend Mendus’ KOL event on 14 December 2023 and potentially consider revising our estimates afterwards.
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