Mendus: ADVANCE II survival update at ASH 2023 - Redeye - Börskollen
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Mendus: ADVANCE II survival update at ASH 2023 - Redeye


Redeye notes Mendus announcing the publication of three abstracts ahead of presentations at ASH on 10-11 December 2023. We understand that the company will present an ADVANCE II survival update at ASH, which we believe could act as a catalyst for Mendus’ share. From the abstracts, we gather that the study had not yet reached median relapse-free survival (mRFS) and median overall survival (mOS) as of the cut-off date (03 July 2023, median follow-up 24.8 months). We will closely watch out for updated ADVANCE II survival data at ASH, which could lead us to revise our estimates and valuation. Further, we gather from the abstracts that previously unpublished immunomonitoring data further confirms vididencel’s mechanism of action in AML. Specifically, we understand presented data seem to confirm the drug candidate’s immunogenicity and suggest a correlation between patients’ immune responses and survival. We will examine the abstracts in more detail and consider returning with additional thoughts in our Q3 2023 report update.

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