Kebni: Financing and second volume order clear path for sales surge in 2023-2026 - Emergers

Late Wednesday evening KebNi announced that it has raised SEK 29.6m from a group of professional investors, including the two largest of the existing shareholders, and 19 other investors. The price of SEK 1.20 per share represents an 8% discount, making it a quick and cost effective way to secure financing. Combined with the second volume order for IMUs from Saab in June, the path is now cleared to materialise the ramp-up in sales we’re projecting in 2023-2026.
We now find support for a fair value to SEK 1.7-2.7 (1.9-2.9) per share in 12-24m, with Saab volume orders feeding through to sales growth and eventually positive cash flow as the primary catalyst for the share.
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