Isofol Medical Q4 2021: AGENT on track for top-line data in H1 2022 - Redeye

Redeye comments on Isofol’s Q4 2021 report, with the company going into a critical period. We expected top-line data from Isofol’s pivotal AGENT trial towards the end of Q2 2022, a timeline Isofol re-confirmed following some unclarity about AGENT’s trigger point in December. Still, depending on when the company can agree on a new trigger point for AGENT with FDA, some minor delays into Q3 2022 may occur, we judge. We believe minor delays would not change the bigger picture in Isofol’s equity story. We view AGENT top-line data as Isofol’s key catalyst in the future and believe that the trial stands a solid chance of meeting pre-defined endpoints.
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