Impact Coatings: Executing on new forecasting strategy - ABG - Börskollen
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Impact Coatings: Executing on new forecasting strategy - ABG


Minor estimate revisions
Delivery of IC2000 within one quarter of order
3.1x-2.4x '25e-'27e EV/Sales

Q4 results

Impact Coatings delivered sales of SEK 42m (ABGSCe 36m) and EBIT of SEK -3.9m (ABGSCe -2.6m). The slightly lower than expected EBIT was partly due to elevated costs, mainly due to the relocation of its offices but also higher personnel expenses. In its Q4 report, the company writes that a major focus for the company going forward will be cost control to improve operational efficiency and that several targeted measures have been taken to improve operational efficiency. Moreover, the company's forecasting strategy, with shorter lead times, helped Impact achieve a healthy gross margin of 64% in the quarter. We believe that this new production strategy should help gross margins going forward.

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