Herantis Pharma: A look back at H1’21 - ABG

Summary of events in H1’21
Updated model following refocusing on CNS
Upcoming milestones
During H1’21, Herantis decided to focus all resources on its CDNF and xCDNF assets and not pursue further development of Lymfactin, instead seeking to out-license this programme. This came after the AdeLE study read-out in February failed to show additional benefit with Lymfactin. HER-096 was selected as the xCDNF candidate to be taken forward into further development. On the BD side, Herantis entered into an agreement with Nanoform to explore the potential to use its nanoparticle technology in the new intranasal route of administration for CDNF. The company hosted an R&D investor day in June with new biological and biomarker data on the effect of CDNF from the completed Ph 1 clinical study.
For CDNF, the next milestone is selection of the new formulation in H2’21, followed by pre-clinical safety and tox studies in H1’22 before a move back into the clinic potentially towards H2’22-H1’23e. HER-096 will remain in pre-clinical development before IND-enabling studies and tox studies can commence in H1’22.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.introduce.se/foretag/herantis-pharma/Equity-research/2021/9/herantis-pharma---a-look-back-at-h121/