GOMspace: Improved path to profitability - ABG

Share issue expected to lead to a more stable company
Brand, technology and underlying market remain strong
ABGSC scenario-based fair value range of SEK 1-35 per share
Share issue (up to ~94m new shares) to support LT strategy
As part of its transformative long-term growth strategy, GomSpace has announced several proactive steps to secure short-term financing and optimise its cost base so that it becomes aligned with the company's needs. This is largely being handled through the issuance of SEK 100-125m in new capital (ongoing and supported by cornerstone investor) and trimming the cost base (mainly employees). These initiatives are meant to secure funding for the foreseeable future, enabling the company to transition from its current, “start-up” phase into a commercial, high-growth company, building on its already strong brand and technological platform.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/gomspace/Equity-research/2023/4/gomspace---improved-path-to-profitability/