Freemelt: Freemelt at ABGSC's Investor Days - ABG

Presentation with CEO Daniel Gidlund and CIO Ulric LjungbladCEO highlights focus on sales and commercialisation in 2023Emphasises Freemelt's rapid progress and market potentialPresentationYesterday we hosted a presentation with Freemelt's new CEO, Daniel Gidlund, and CIO, Ulric Ljungblad at ABGSC's Investor Days. The pair introduced the company, its cutting-edge metal 3D printing technology and its market potential. They highlighted the rapid sales growth Freemelt experienced in 2022, particularly in the US, and how the company is now focusing on expanding its sales organisation and further commercialising its technology.Q&AAfter the presentation the presenters answered questions concerning the outlook for 2023, the progress on the e-Melt industrial printer, the long-term service business potential, as well as the recent research contract with the UK Atomic Energy Authority. They were optimistic regarding the R&D market going into 2023, and emphasised how they have been working closely with industrial partners on the e-Melt, which is expected to launch in late 2023. They also commented on the long-term potential of transitioning towards a service focused business model once the company has built up a large installed base of printers.Recording availableABGSC's Investor Days event was recorded and Freemelt's presentation is available to watch here.Läs mer på ABG Sundal Collier
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