Free2Move: Navigating challenges in Q3 for a promising 2024 - Emergers

The growth for Free2Move continues, with sales in Q3 and the first nine months representing 21% and 66% YoY growth, respectively. However, due to lower gross margins, the quarter resulted in an operating loss of SEK -6.7m, despite OPEX improvements. We maintain our longer-term view on the outlook for the company, as Free2Move showcases the ability to drastically improve property energy efficiency. But for now, we have revised our full-year sales estimates for 2023 and 2024 to SEK 60m (from 70) and SEK 80m (from 90). We now find support for a new fair value range of SEK 0.19-0.24 (0.24-0.29) per share in 12-24 months.
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