Faron Pharmaceuticals H2: En route to pivotal studies - Redeye
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Faron Pharmaceuticals H2: En route to pivotal studies - Redeye


Redeye provides a research update on Faron Pharmaceuticals following the company’s recent H2 report. The company managed to reduce its OPEX as it continues its measures for improved cost efficiency. However, the report did not include any major surprises as free cash flow was in line with our expectation. With upcoming BEXMAB read-outs, a planned pivotal study and a potential license deal on the horizon, we see exciting times ahead for the company.

Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/1084344/faron-pharmaceuticals-h2-en-route-to-pivotal-studies?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS

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