Ework Group: Feedback from ABGSC's investor days - ABG

Ework is not just a consultancy broker
Demand will gradually pick up, but the pace is uncertain
Margins to improve with better GMs and increased efficiency
Introduction to the offering
Yesterday we hosted Ework's CEO (Karin Schreil) and CFO (Johanna Eriksson) at ABGSC's Investor Days. Ework works as a bridge in the workforce market, connecting organisations/companies with workforce resources. This includes both freelance consultants and consulting companies. In addition to its core offering, which includes the placement of consultants, a significant part of its business consists of managed services, where clients outsource all their contingent workforce operations to Ework, allowing the organisation to better focus on its core business. Ework also offers a permanent recruitment service.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/ework/Equity-research/2024/12/ework-group---feedback-from-abgscs-investor-days/