Eastnine: ESG profile - ABG

Company activities
Eastnine aims to run a climate-neutral organisation and is targeting net zero carbon emissions by 2030. The company also wants to decrease the energy consumption of its buildings to <100 kwh m2 by 2025 (as of 2021, building energy intensity remained the same as 2020, 113 kwh m2). at the very least, eastnine has its eye on attaining either a leed gold or breeam excellent certification for all its properties, awarded for environmentally designed buildings. the current certification figure is 81%, which is the highest rating for certified modern office stock in the baltics. a unique combination of leed platinum and well certifications is planned for one of eastnine’s riga development properties, the pine, upon completion. in 2021, eastnine received gresb’s (global real estate sustainability benchmark) highest possible rating for the second year in a row, assigned by this organization to the top quintile of participating entities. on the social side, eastnine earned a top placement in the allbright foundation’s annual ranking of swedish listed companies from an equality and diversity perspective, for the third consecutive year in 2021.
Risks and opportunities
Buildings are a major source of energy consumption and carbon emissions, making them contributors to climate change. Therefore, it is important that Eastnine works to reduce its climate impact. In the long term, it can hopefully become a climate-neutral organisation. There are additional social and governance risks, including issues related to anticorruption and bribery, health and safety, and gender equality. It is our view that Eastnine both respects and pays close attention to these risks. This focus is important for investor perceptions, given some of the past issues in the region.
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