Eastnine: Doing things right - ABG - Börskollen
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Eastnine: Doing things right - ABG


Minor positive revisions following solid Q4
Growing CEPS >40% in 2025e
'25e P/CEPS ~13x (25% below sector average)

We increase our CEPS estimates by ~1% for '25-'26

Eastnine delivered a Q4 report with earnings in line with ABGSCe. The earnings capacity was slightly higher than we expected, driven by net interest. The Board proposed a DPS of SEK 1.20 (~2.5% dividend yield) and changed its pay-out ratio to >30% of income from property management after current tax (vs. >50% previously). Eastnine made the change since it sees plenty of investments, which we view positively. Management also highlights positive underlying demand in its markets. Poland/Lithuania/Latvia have seen their real GDP growth clearly outperform the European average during the past ~25 years, with continued outperformance expected in the next ~4-5 years.

Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/eastnine/Equity-research/2025/2/eastnine---doing-things-right/

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