Comments on STENOCARE'S Rights Issue - Analyst Group

On May 15, 2023, STENOCARE announced that the company intends to carry out a preferential Rights Issue of shares and warrants of series TO 1 and TO 2. The initial Rights Issue, excluding TO 1 and TO 2, offers 2,335,224 new shares at subscription price per share of DKK 4.58. As the offer is for a unit, which includes two shares, the subscription price per unit is DKK 9.16, corresponding to, given a full subscription of the Rights Issue, gross proceeds in cash of DKK 10.7m and net proceeds, after transaction-related costs, in cash of DKK 8.5m. In addition to the initial rights issue, a unit consists of warrants of series TO 1 and TO 2. These warrants can, if fully subscribed to, provide the Company with an additional amount of approx. DKK 3.7-7.8 million and DKK 3.7-11.2 million in gross proceeds. Hence, the total gross proceeds, if all the steps of the Rights Issue are subscribed and exercised at maximum, amounts to DKK 29.7m.
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