CapMan CMD: underpinned organic growth roadmap while M&A could become more prominent growth driver - Nordea

CapMan arranged a CMD event today with top management presenting new strategy with ambitious growth targets for the next five years. The company is aiming to leverage its good track record with new product launches and targets to double AuM to EUR 10bn by 2026. We note that M&A component is now considered as more pronounced component when seeking for growth. The company is seeking broad based growth while the key drivers are international investors and real estate products. ESG theme is getting clearly more traction within operations and the company aims to integrate ESG as a core theme in all business activities. The company raised its growth target for the Management Company and Services businesses to, on average, 15% annual growth. However, this target also includes M&A component. With relatively high level of committed but not yet invested capital, the company clearly aims to benefit from the current market turmoil.
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