BankNordik: Solid momentum prompts upside to 2024 targets - Nordea

On Tuesday, 18 April, BankNordik upgraded its 2023 net profit guidance to DKK 210-240m (previously DKK 190-220m), led by solid NII and strong asset quality. We leave our estimate for 2023 net profit at DKK 245m, roughly unchanged, because the operational improvements were already reflected in our numbers. We still believe that BankNordik is on track to reach its 2024 targets and we even see scope for an upgrade down the road, given the current earnings outlook. Also, despite the fact that BankNordik has distributed more than DKK 110 per share in dividends during the past two years, we expect the bank to distribute another DKK 88 per share until the end of 2025. Marketing material commissioned by BankNordik.
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