BankNordik: Fourth guidance upgrade suggests solid payout - Nordea

On Friday afternoon, 19 January, BankNordik raised its 2023 net profit guidance for the fourth time due to lower-than-expected impairment levels. Guidance is now ~50% above the initial level from January 2023. With 2023E net profit now expected to be DKK 295-310m and a 2024E CET1 target of 20%, we expect the dividend announcement in connection with the 2023 annual report to offer an ~18.5% yield. We also estimate that ~52% of BankNordik's current market cap will be distributed to shareholders by 2025E. The BankNordik share is trading at a 2025E excess-capital adjusted P/E of 4.4x, which puts the share at a ~35% discount to its peers despite its strong recent performance.
Marketing material commissioned by BankNordik.
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