BankNordik: Fine-tuning rate path scenario and earnings - ABG

11% CAGR in net profit for 2022-25e...
...and 10-11% dividend yield p.a. in 2023e-25e
Adjusting NII & investment portfolio earnings to new rate scenario
Strong earnings growth and capital repatriation
Our estimates imply a 2022-25e CAGR in net profit of 11%. This is mainly based on solid NII due to the recent central bank rate hikes alongside improving investment portfolio earnings on the transition into a positive rate environment. We also foresee a dividend yield of 10-11% p.a. in 2023e-25e due to BankNordik's well-capitalised balance sheet. Even with these dividends in our estimates, we end up at a '25e CET1 ratio of 22.4%.
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