Bactiguard: Stable outlook for 2023 - Nordea

Bactiguard 's Q4 was impacted by the continued mobile gaming market decline. However, 2% q/q growth in the US market points to some light at the end of the tunnel. Rovio expects a stable market for 2023, with easing headwinds from Apple's privacy changes, inflation and societal reopening. Against this backdrop, Rovio guides for flat revenue and EBIT for 2023. In the near term, we believe that the share will be primarily driven by takeover speculation, following the recent M&A interest and the message from Rovio's board indicating openness to an acquisition. We take this into account in our raised fair value range, which is now EUR 7.8-9.7 (6.5-7.8).
- Marketing material commissioned by Rovio.
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