B3 Consulting Group: Unfavourable setup for H2'23 and H1'24 - ABG (R)

(Correction refers to the link to the analysis)
Provides updated development plan at investor meeting
Detailed path forward for different rights issue outcomes
NEX-22: CTA submission in Q4'23e, Ph 1 in Q1'24e
Investor event in Uppsala to share current development plan
Yesterday Nanexa hosted an investor meeting at its premises in Uppsala. Nanexa's leadership team and Chairman of the Board shared their plans for the future development of the internal projects NEX-18/20/22, as well as partner projects. The meeting was mainly focused on Nanexa's current efforts in the GLP-1 space, in which the NEX-22 and the Novo Nordisk collaboration play in.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/b3-consulting-group/Equity-research/2023/10/b3-consulting-group---unfavourable-setup-for-h223-and-h124/