B3 Consulting Group: B3 Poland consolidation coming up - ABG

What to expect in Q2'24
We expect sales of SEK 266m for Q2'24, implying a y-o-y decline of -11%, along with EBITA of SEK ~9m, corresponding to an EBITA margin of 3.3%. Our new estimates mean that we have reduced Q2 sales and EBITA by 2% and 20%, respectively. June's data show that little has changed in the way of demand, hourly prices, net recruitment and utilisation for IT consultants. Therefore, we make minor negative estimate revisions.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/contentassets/cbb5cc1c13064be39ee08cd4023e2620/pdf/b3-poland-consolidation-coming-up.pdf