Herantis Pharma - Moving towards a pure play Neuroscience co.
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Herantis Pharma - Moving towards a pure play Neuroscience co.

More data presented for Lymfactin and CNS assets Inconclusive Lymfactin results spurs plans to out-license All focus now on CDNF and xCDNF More data presented for Lymfactin and CNS assets Herantis presented more data on the completed AdeLE study following the announcement earlier in March that the results were inconclusive. In summary, Herantis were not able to conclude any incremental benefit specific for Lymfactin for either QoL or arm volume reduction. The company highlighted the unexpectedly large baseline differences as a potential contributor to this. Herantis also presented exploratory assessments on tissue water content, Physician Scoring Index, and VEGF-C expression in the wound that potentially suggested proof of principle for Lymfactin’s MoA, but that weren’t sufficiently robust to draw firm conclusions.

Seeking to out-license Lymfactin Herantis announced that after careful review the decision to not pursue Lymfactin further for in-house development but instead to explore the possibility of out-licensing the programme has been taken. The company are still at the early stages of this process and did not share any more specifics on the progress at this stage. All focus now on CDNF and xCDNF With the planned out-licensing of Lymfactin, Herantis are re-focusing all of the company’s resources on its CNS portfolio, which consists of CDNF, currently being re-formulated to allow intranasal and subcutaneous delivery before moving back into the clinic, and xCDNF, at lead candidate selection stage, both for Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Interesting emerging evidence linking genetic, clinical, imaging, and biomarker data in certain patients treated with CDNF was also presented, as well as data on the BBB penetrating capacity of xCDNF. Proceeding down dual work streams for re-formulating CDNF, the next major milestone will be completing this work and subsequent pre-clinical work in H2’21. For xCDNF we expect lead selection to be.

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