GOMspace - ABGSC’s Investor day seminar feedback
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GOMspace - ABGSC’s Investor day seminar feedback

CEO Niels Buus presenting at ABGSC’s seminar Indra order could become a long-term growth driver Continued focus on increasing int. presence Strong backlog fueled by recent quality orders Today we had the pleasure of hosting CEO Niels Buus as part of ABGSC’s Investor day. During our call today, Niels confirmed the strong growth outlook seen within the new space industry. He furthermore acknowledged that while the company is seeing some short-term negative pressure from technology component shortage, they have been winning large orders in 2021 and seen their backlog almost double from the beginning of the year, fueled by quality orders from e.

g. Unseen Labs and Indra, acting as a stamp of approval of GomSpace. GomSpace is in the race for a potential ~200 satellite order CEO confirmed that with the recent order win from Indra, totaling SEK ~145m, GomSpace does have their foot in the door, in terms of being able to bid on a potentially much larger order, which could bring GomSpace to a new level.

The initial order covers a demonstration phase and is for three satellites to be delivered within the next three years. These three satellites is the first step of a potential, much larger (~200 satellites) constellation project Indra is working on, for an air traffic management system on a global scale, with aircraft position monitoring services and VHF radio communication systems, all of which GomSpace has tested before and knows how to build. However, GomSpace do expect high competition for winning this order and they have therefor started to position themselves in the best possible way, to be able to be considered for the final, large satellite order.

The fact that they are developing the demo satellites, places their foot within the door and we could expect to se GomSpace adding a physical presence in Spain, to improve their value proposition as well. Geographical expansion in on the radar With the continued strong interest for space from governments side a.

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