Synthetic MR: Going beyond the conventional - SEB
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Synthetic MR: Going beyond the conventional - SEB

SyMRI provides both speed and objective decision support
SyntheticMR provides innovative software solutions for MRI that deliver more information to the clinician and allow for shorter exam times than conventional MRI scans. The global market for MRI is valued at USD 4.8bn according to company data, and growth is underpinned by demographic shifts, an increased prevalence of chronic disease and a need for more innovative and cost-efficient healthcare solutions to curb rising healthcare costs. The market is dominated by three players: GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare and Siemens Healthineers. Since 2016, SyntheticMR has had individual partner agreements with each of these players.

Entering harvesting period – several pockets of potential growth
We believe SyntheticMR is entering a harvesting period with a chance to get back on the growth path. It has agreements with the three main OEMs and has recently invested in its own sales resources across its key markets. There is also the potential for new agreements with additional strategic partners and for product innovation. We estimate a 2019-22 sales CAGR of c. 33%.

Mid-point DCF value of SEK 333 per share
Based on the assumption that SyntheticMR can deliver in line with our estimates, we derive a DCF-based fair value range of SEK 290-382 per share with a mid-point valuation of SEK 333 per share (WACC 7%; steady state EBIT margin of 25%).

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